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Levertijd 2-4 werkdagen
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REESE wandpanelen pastelgroen | plafondpanelen | wandbekleding | niet boren | MDF

van € 5,67 *
Inhoud: 1 Stck.

incl. BTW plus verzendkosten



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  • WDPG_SL130
Titel 1

Beschreibung 1

Titel 2

Beschreibung 2

Titel 3

Beschreibung 3

Titel 4

Beschreibung 4

Give your walls character with our high-quality wall panels from Reese! For the whole house... meer

Give your walls character with our high-quality wall panels from Reese!

For the whole house from the hallway to the living room or as an eye-catcher in the bedroom behind the bed.

Our wall panels with decorative film are available in an impressive selection of 25 colors.

Each individual color offers a unique effect and interpretation, and the right choice can really bring a room to life.

Durable, easy to clean & modern - find your perfect solution here!

Experience the variety of wall panels for a stylish ambience!

Product features:

  • Wall panels 
  • MDF Foiled
  • Pastel green
  • 130/230/262cm height, depending on selection 

Fixing - glue with mounting adhesive or with a double-sided adhesive tape

Regardless of the mounting method, all types require a clean and even surface


 The prices are valid for 1 piece or package of the respective selection.

Lengte: 125cm, 230cm, 252cm
Kleur: Pastelgroen
Grote goederen: Ja (bei 252cm)
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